12 – Sodom and Gomorrah
Genesis 19:1-38
In the early evening, two angels entered Sodom. They found Lot sitting at the city gate. As soon as
he saw them, he went and bowed before them. He said, “I’m your humble servant. Please come
to my house so I can make you comfortable. I’ll wash your feet and give you a place to spend the
night. Then I’ll wake you up early so you can be on your way.”
They said, “No, we’ll just spend the night here in the town square.”
“Oh, no, my lords! You must come with me right now. Please follow me.”
He led them to his house and his family prepared a meal for them. As they were preparing for bed, a mob gathered outside. It was all the men of the city, both young and old. They surrounded the house and yelled, “Lot, give us those men who are in your house. Send them out so we can have sex with them.”
Lot stepped outside and closed the door behind him. He said, “Please, my brothers, don’t do this wickedness. These men are guests in my house. Instead of these men, take my two daughters. They’re virgins. Do what you want with them, but don’t touch these men.”
The mob got angry. “Get out of the way! Who do you think you are – our judge? You’re not even one of us.”
With that, they pushed him aside and started to break down the door. The angels opened the door, grabbed Lot, pulled him inside, and slammed the door. They then caused all the men outside to go blind. The crowd dispersed as they tried to find their way.
The angels turned to Lot. “We’re here to destroy this city! The voices of its victims are yelling into the ears of God. Quick, go get any relatives you have who are living in the city — sons, daughters, and sons-in-law — anyone who belongs to you. Get them and leave this city.
Lot rushed to the home of his future sons-in- law. “Wake up! Come with me! We have to get out of the city! The Lord is about to destroy it.” But they ignored him because they thought he was joking.
Lot had still not left the city in the morning as the sun was coming up. The angels yelled, “Hurry! You and your family get out of here! You’re about to be killed in the judgment.”
Still, they took their time getting ready to leave. With that, the Lord showed compassion on them. The angels physically grabbed Lot, his wife and daughters and rushed them out of the city. Once there, the angels said, “Run for your lives! Don’t look back! Don’t stop until you’re in the mountains.”
Lot said, “Oh Lord, you’ve been merciful to me. But I can’t make it to the mountain. Please, there’s a small town near by. Let me go there.”
The angel said, “Go there and I’ll hold the judgment away from that town. But hurry! I can’t do anything until you’re safe.” The Lord was showing mercy to Lot because of Abraham. Unfortunately, Lot’s wife looked back toward the city as they were running away, so she became a pillar of salt.
The sun was fully up when Lot reached the little town. As soon as he was inside, the Lord brought down fire from heaven and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and all the other cities in the valley, except for that one little town.
Abraham went out to the spot where God had talked with him. He looked in the direction of Sodom but all he saw was smoke rising into the sky.