30 – Joseph’s Rise to Power

Genesis 40:1 – 41:57

Life in prison was hard for Joseph, but God was with him and blessed him. His jailor came to respect him and finally started to use him as an assistant. Eventually Joseph was in charge of the entire prison. 
One day, Pharaoh put his chief butler and chief baker in the prison. While they were there, each man had a dream. Joseph asked to hear them. 

The butler said, “I saw three branches on a vine. They blossomed and then had grapes. I squeezed the grapes into Pharaoh’s cup and served it to him.” 

“Ah,” said Joseph, “the three branches are three days. In three days, Pharaoh will take you out of prison and give you back your old job. Please, remember me, and ask Pharaoh to set me free from this prison. I’ve done nothing to deserve this.” 

After hearing this, the baker was eager to tell Joseph his dream. “I had three baskets of Pharaoh’s bread on my head. Birds flew up and ate all the bread from out of the baskets.” 

“Oh,” said Joseph, “the three baskets are also three days. In three days, Pharaoh will take you out of prison and cut o your head. He will hang your body on a tree and birds will eat your flesh.” 

It all happened just as Joseph said! Pharaoh restored the butler to his previous position, and hung the baker on a tree. Unfortunately, the butler soon forgot about Joseph. 

Two years later, Pharaoh had two dreams. He woke up after the first one, but went back to sleep. He then had a second dream, but this time he was so troubled he couldn’t go back to sleep. 

He called for his counselors and told them his two dreams. They couldn’t figure out their meanings. Suddenly the chief butler remembered Joseph. He told Pharaoh about the man in prison who interpreted his dream and the baker’s dream. 

Pharaoh sent guards to bring Joseph to him immediately. They got him, cleaned him up, and brought him before Pharaoh. He told Joseph about his dreams. 

“In the first one, I saw seven fat cows come out of the river and graze along its banks. Suddenly seven skinny cows came up out of the river and ate the fat ones. And yet, they were just as skinny as before.” 

“In my second dream I saw seven plump heads of grain growing on a stalk. Suddenly, seven dried-up heads of grain sprouted up on a stalk next to it. The thin heads of grain swallowed up the healthy ones. Still, they were as thin and dried up as before.” 

Joseph said, “God is telling you what he’s about to do. The seven good cows and the seven good heads of grain are seven years of great abundance. After that, there’ll be seven years of famine. It’ll be so severe that the good years will be forgotten.” 

“Therefore, look for a wise man to put in charge of the land. Have him organize the collection of food during the good years and store it up for the bad years. If you don’t do this, the country will be ruined by famine.” 

Pharaoh said to his officials, “Are we able to find anyone better than Joseph for this job? He has the spirit of God within him.” 

He turned to Joseph. “The people will submit to your commands. Next to me, you’ll be the most powerful man in Egypt.” 

During the next seven years, Joseph traveled throughout the land, collecting and storing food. Then, just as God had shown him, the seven years of famine started. This famine also affected all the surrounding countries. 

When the people of Egypt started to feel the famine, Joseph opened the storehouses and sold them grain. Soon all the countries around Egypt came and bought grain from Joseph.

Story Told
Story Telling by Phyllis Hostmeyer
Story Telling and Questions by Mickie O’Donnell
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