190 – A Roman and a Funeral
Luke 7:1-17
IA Roman officer lived in Capernaum. He was a good man and did wonderful things for the people of Israel. One day his servant got sick and was about to die. He asked some of the Jewish leaders if they would go talk to Jesus on his behalf. He said, “Beg him to come heal my servant.”
They went to Jesus and said, “He is a good man and loves our nation. He has even built a synagogue for us.” Jesus agreed to go with them to the man’s house.
As they got near, the Roman officer sent friends to Jesus with this message. “Please, I’m not worthy to have you come into my house. I understand authority. When I say things, others have to obey. So I know if you said the word, my servant will be healed.”
Jesus was amazed and said, “I haven’t seen this kind of faith in all of Israel!” The friends of the man went back to his house, and found that the servant was healed.
Jesus took his disciples to another town, and a large crowd followed them. As they approached the gates, they saw a funeral procession. It was for a young man who was the only son of a woman who had also lost her husband.
Jesus saw her desperate situation and went to her. He said, “Don’t cry.”
He then walked over to the open coffin and put his hand on it. Immediately the pallbearers stopped. Jesus said, “Young man, listen to me. Get up!”
The man opened his eyes and then sat up. He looked around and asked what was happening. Jesus helped him down and took him to his mother.
The crowd was stunned, and then afraid. Finally, they started to praise God. The news of this went throughout all of Israel, and into the surrounding countries.