184 – Woman at the Well
John 4:1-42
One time Jesus took his disciples through Samaria as he traveled from Jerusalem to Galilee. This was unusual since Jews avoided any contact with Samaritans.
Around noon, they came to a well near one of the Samaritan villages. Jesus was tired, so he sat down while his disciples went into the town to buy food.
A Samaritan woman came to the well to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Please give me some water to drink.”
The woman was surprised. “Jews usually don’t talk to Samaritans. So, why did you ask me for a drink, since I’m a Samaritan woman?”
Jesus said, “If you knew who I am, you would ask me to give you living water.”
She said, “Sir, the well is deep, and you have no bucket. How can you get ‘living water’? Are you greater than Jacob who dug this well?”
Jesus said, “Those who drink from this well will get thirsty again. But those who drink my water will have a living well inside them that continually springs up to eternal life.”
The woman was amazed. “Oh please, give me this water so I’ll never get thirsty again. Then I won’t have to come back to this well.”
“Go get your husband and bring him here.” She looked away. “I don’t have a husband.” “I know you don’t. You’ve had five husbands, and the one you are living with now is not your husband.”
Her eyes snapped back. “Uh, sir, I can tell you’re a prophet. Please settle this age- old argument. We Samaritans say that this mountain is the place to worship God. The Jews say a person has to go to Jerusalem to worship. Who’s right?”
“Woman, listen carefully. The time has now come when God is looking for those who will worship him in spirit and truth.”
She was almost speechless! “I know that some day the Messiah is coming, and he’ll explain all these things.”
Jesus smiled. “The person speaking to you is the Messiah.”
The woman left her water jug, and rushed back to the village just as the disciples were returning with the food. They were amazed that Jesus had been talking with her, but no one said anything about it.
When the woman got to the town, she told everyone about the man she had met at the well. “Come and see someone who told me everything I’ve ever done in my life. Surely he’s the Christ.” The men were curious, so they went out to see what she was talking about.
Meanwhile, the disciples were trying to get Jesus to eat the food they had brought from town. He said, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”
They looked at one another. “Did someone bring him something to eat?”
Jesus shook his head. “No, my food is to do the will of God.
“You think we still have four months until harvest.” He pointed to the men coming out from the town. “Look over there. It’s time to harvest right now.”
The men came and talked with Jesus, and finally asked him to stay with them for a while. He stayed for two days, and many believed on him as their Lord and Savior.