195 – Twelve Years
Mark 5:21-43 Matthew 9:18-26 Luke 8:40-56
Jesus and his disciples left the Gentile side of the lake, and went back to the Jewish side. A large crowd was waiting for him.
A man named Jairus ran up and fell down before Jesus. He was a ruler of the synagogue. He said, “My daughter is dying! She’s only twelve years old. I beg you, please come and heal her.”
Jesus agreed, so he and his disciples followed Jairus. A large crowd also followed.
As they walked down the road, they passed the home of a certain woman. She had suffered a bleeding disorder for twelve years. Many doctors tried to help her, but her condition only got worse. This continued until her money was all gone.
When she heard that Jesus was passing by, she thought, “I’d be healed if I could get close enough to touch the edge of his clothes. No one would need to know anything about it.”
So she made her way through the crowd and reached out and touched the edge of his clothes. Instantly she knew she had been healed. Jesus felt the power go out from his body, so he stopped and said, “Who touched me?”
Peter looked at the crowd and said, “What do you mean who touched you? Look at all the people around you.”
Jesus ignored him and continued to look for the person who had touched him. When the woman realized she couldn’t hide what she had done, she knelt down before him, trembling.
Jesus said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Your faith has healed you. Go back home. That disease won’t return.”
As they talked, some people came and said to Jairus, “You don’t need to bother the Master any longer. Your daughter has died.”
Jesus heard them and said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just believe in me.” They continued on to his house.
When they got there, they saw that the mourners had already arrived. It was their job to play flutes and cry very loudly. Jesus said, “Why are you making all this noise? The girl is only asleep.”
They laughed at him because they knew she was dead. So he had them put out of the house. He then took Jairus and his wife, as well as Peter, James, and John, and went to where the girl was lying. He reached out and took her hand. “Child, get up.”
Instantly, the girl opened her eyes and got up. The parents watched in amazement. Finally Jesus said, “Get her something to eat.”
Then he told them, “Don’t tell anyone about this.” Still, the news of this event spread throughout the entire area.