43 – The Law
Exodus 19:1-20:26 & 24:1-18
The Israelites came to Mount Sinai three months after they left Egypt. They set up camp at the base, and Moses went up the mountain to talk with God. The Lord said, “Tell the people, ‘If you obey me and keep my commandments, then you’ll be my treasured possession. You’ll be my holy people among all the nations.’”
When Moses told this to the people, they all agreed and said, “We’ll do everything God says!”
So Moses went back up the mountain and told God that the people agreed to his conditions. Then the Lord said, “I want them to hear me talking to you so they’ll always trust you. Tell them to spend three days cleansing their hearts and washing their clothes. Then I’ll come down on the mountain and talk to them.”
So the people did as they were told. They washed their clothes and dedicated themselves to the Lord. Suddenly, on the third day, the mountain burned with fire. The ground shook, and a cloud covered the entire mountain. There was thunder and lightning, and the people heard what sounded like trumpets that grew louder and louder.
Then God said, “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt with a mighty hand!
You’re not to worship other gods. You’re not to make idols of any kind.
You’re to keep my name holy and not misuse it.
You’re not to work on the seventh day, but instead, keep it holy.
Honor your parents and you’ll live long upon the earth.
You’re not to murder.
You’re not to commit adultery.
You’re not to steal.
You’re not to lie to others or about others.
You’re not to desire to have anything that belongs to someone else.”
The people cried out, “Tell God to stop talking to us. We’ll die if he keeps talking! Let him talk to you, and then you tell us what he said. We’ll listen to you.”
Moses said, “Don’t be afraid. God wants you to stand in awe of him, so you’ll stay away from sin.” Then Moses went up the mountain to talk with God.
God gave him detailed instructions on how the people were to live their lives and how they were to treat one another. God told how to offer sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins. He also gave instructions on how to build the Ark of God, so he could live among his people. Finally, God gave Moses two tablets of stone with his laws written by the finger of God.