48 – Spitting in Her Face
Numbers 12:1-16
Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron. One day, she and Moses’ wife had a disagreement. Because of this, Miriam and Aaron started criticizing Moses, calling his wife an Arabian woman—a Cushite!
They said, “Moses isn’t the only one that God speaks through. He also speaks through us.”
The Lord heard this complaint and knew that Moses was a quiet and humble man. Suddenly God said, “Moses, Aaron, Miriam—Come to the Tent of Meetings!”
Once they were there, the cloud of God came down and stood like a pillar before them. He said, “Aaron and Miriam, step forward.”
Once they did, the Lord said, “When I talk to you or one of the prophets within the camp, I speak in dreams and visions. But that’s not the way I talk to Moses. He and I come together as family members and talk openly. We look at one another and speak in plain language. How dare you talk against my servant Moses!”
With that, God then turned away from them in anger and left. Aaron looked at Miriam and saw that her skin was white with leprosy. He cried out to Moses. “Please, my lord, don’t punish us for our foolish talking. Please don’t let your sister be like a baby who is born dead—whose flesh is rotting away.”
Moses cried out to God, “Oh, my Lord! Please heal my sister.”
God said, “I’ll heal her. Still, if her father spit in her face, she would live in disgrace for seven days. So she is to stay outside of the camp for seven days.
So Miriam was taken outside the camp and she stayed there for seven days. The people of Israel remained at that location until Miriam was allowed back in the camp. They then moved to the place where they were to enter into the land of Canaan.