198 – A Meal and A Walk

John 6:1-10 Matthew 14:14-33

Feeding the 5,000 is the only miracle that is recorded in all four Gospels.

Jesus went up a mountain where he taught his disciples. A large crowd went with them so they could hear him teach.

Soon it became apparent that they were hungry, and there was no food. Jesus knew what he was going to do, but still he asked Philip, “Where can we get food for these people?”

“Lord, even eight months salary couldn’t buy enough food for all these people.” The other disciples said, “Send them into the villages so they can buy food for themselves.”

Jesus said, “No, I want you to feed them. Go and see how much food we have.”

Andrew came back with a young boy. “Lord, this lad has five barley loaves and two small fish. But how can that help us with such a large crowd?”

Jesus said, “Give them to me.”

He took the bread and fish, and blessed them. He then divided them among the disciples and said, “Give this to the people and tell them they can have as much as they want.”

They served the food to the people, who ate until they were satisfied. There were over 5,000 people there. Then Jesus said, “Go and pick up the remains.” When they did, they had twelve baskets full of bread and fish.

The people said, “This is the one the Scripture talks about—‘the great prophet like Moses.’” They started talking among themselves about making him king.

Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he sent them away and told his disciples to go back by way of the sea. And he went up the mountain and prayed.

While Jesus was praying, a storm moved over the sea. Huge waves pushed the ship out toward the middle. The men rowed hard to get back to shore, but the wind was too strong for them.

At three o’clock in the morning, Jesus walked across the sea on top of the water. The men looked out and saw someone walking among the waves. They screamed because they thought it was a spirit.

Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid. It’s me.”

Peter said, “Lord, if it’s you, ask me to come to you.”


So Peter got out of the boat and started walking toward Jesus. Suddenly he looked at the waves and the wind. He became afraid, and started to sink. He cried out, “Lord, save me.”

The Lord reached out and grabbed him. He said, “Oh Peter, your faith is so small. Why did you doubt?”

The two of them walked back, and got into the boat. Suddenly the storm stopped. The disciples knelt down and worshiped Jesus. They said, “It is true. You are the Son of God.”

Story Told
Storytelling from the First Nations Version Project
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On the Sea
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