247 – The Worries of Love – 2 Corinthians (a)
2 Corinthians 1:1-6:18
The church at Corinth didn’t respond well to Paul’s first letter, so he sailed across the sea and met with them. That didn’t go well either. He then sent them a very harsh letter—one that’s not included in the Bible. Titus returned with encouraging news on how they took it to heart and repented of their sins. Paul then sent this letter. He said:
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
As you know, I planned to come to you first before visiting the churches in Macedonia. I changed my mind because I wanted to spare you another painful visit. I felt that when I did finally come, I wanted it to be a source of joy and not tears. So instead of coming, I wrote that last letter, not to hurt you, but to show my great love for you.
That man who was behind all of this trouble has hurt you as well as me. I praise God he has repented. Brothers, this isn’t the time to overwhelm him with guilt. Decide the proper punishment, and then forgive him. Show him you love him and don’t let Satan get the advantage in this situation.
After I wrote that harsh letter, I needed to know how you responded. I sent the letter with Titus, and told him to come back and report on your reaction. The plan was for us to meet in Troas. I went there, but he hadn’t arrived yet. The Lord opened doors for sharing the Gospel in Troas, but I was totally focused on you. I left and took a ship over to Macedonia, hoping to find him there. With you on my mind, this trip was lonely and I was overcome with concern for you. In my despair, God revealed several truths to me.
First, I realized that our life on earth is like a Roman victory march. People burn incense along the road, and the smell reminds the soldiers of their victory. But that same smell is repulsive to the captives because it reminds them of their execution once they get to Rome.
We’re the ones burning along the road as Christ marches along triumphantly. This world follows behind him. To the victors in Christ, we’re the smell of triumph. The world finds us repulsive because of their coming judgment.
Next I thought about how people in this world are so proud of their letters of recommendation. My thoughts were on you, and I realized that you’re the letter of Christ, produced by us, written by the Spirit, and read by everyone. Because of it, I have confidence to continue on. It’s not my work. It’s the Spirit of God that brings life.
Compare this to the letters of stone that were given to Moses. Temporarily, his face shone like the sun, so he put a veil over his face. Because he did that, the people didn’t notice when the shine faded. That veil is still there! It covers their hearts whenever the Law is read, so they can’t understand it.
When a person turns to Christ, this veil is removed. The Spirit of God brings freedom, and we reflect the glory of the Lord.
As I thought on the veil and the light of the gospel, I was moved with urgency. God’s mercy shines through us! It is important that we press on. We need to put aside anything that would hold us back. Our message should be plain to see.
Oh, but the god of this world has put a veil over the eyes of those who won’t believe. They aren’t rejecting us, because Jesus is the Light of the world, not us. They’re rejecting him.
As I travelled to Macedonia, all these thoughts were going through my mind. I felt weak and unable to accomplish anything. But then I realized that it’s God who has given us this ministry. He uses weak people to accomplish eternal work. We can easily be pushed around and crushed, but that doesn’t change a thing. It’s exactly what happened to Jesus. As it was with him, so it is with us. Our trials and our death will bring life to others.
I didn’t know about your situation. But I realized that our encouragement doesn’t come from what happens here on earth. It comes from God! Because of that, we don’t give up!
Besides, what happens to us here can’t compare to what God has waiting for us in heaven. He gave us his Spirit, but he’s just a down- payment of what lies ahead. While we’re in this body, we’re not at our heavenly home. But once we leave our body, we’re finally with the Lord. It doesn’t matter if we’re here or there. Our purpose is the same. Therefore, let’s work together to prepare people for the day when they’ll stand before God. Christ died for us, so let’s live for him.
Think of the ministry that has been given to us. Everyone who comes to Christ becomes a new creation. Their old life flows away and a new life appears. God is allowing us to be a part of this! We’re working together with Christ.
This is why God wants us to be free from anything that would hold us back. That’s why we should be careful not to get tied together with a non-believer. That’s why we keep ourselves pure, so we can work together and get the job done.
Continued in the next story